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Mosquito Treatment

Mosquitoes are a common nuisance throughout the PNW.

When it comes to spending time outdoors, we know that relaxing evenings in your Pacific Northwest backyard are often spent swatting away mosquitos or dousing exposed skin with bug spray. The good news, though, is that your outdoor experience doesn't have to stay this way.

Mosquitos lay eggs in standing water, so large swarms are often due to stagnant water source(s) nearby. After hatching, they will hang out on the underside of foliage until evening, since they prefer shade or shelter during the day. Since female mosquitoes need blood in order to develop their eggs, they often snack on nearby humans – causing irritating, itchy bumps and becoming a common nuisance to those who spend time outdoors.

mosquito lawn treatment spraying

How can I effectively control mosquitos on my property?

While there are some easy ways to help protect yourself from these pests, like covering exposed skin and reducing standing water, these methods aren't the most effective. This is especially true for properties close to lakes or rivers and wooded or marshy areas, where water is near-impossible to remove. Additional measures are needed to avoid constant mosquito bites.

Our mosquito treatment service, like all Renew care, begins with a thorough evaluation of the property. After identifying and reducing standing water sources, our techs apply a mosquito treatment with specialized equipment. Larvae hatch every 3-4 weeks, so our program provides monthly applications for best results.

This unique spray, which is safe for animals and plants, is carefully applied around the property and structure's perimeter. Since mosquitoes seek shelter on the undersides of foliage during the day, we spray shrubs and tree trunks for the most effective results.

Thankfully, options like these to keep these common pests at bay! Consider adding our mosquito treatment to your Renew care package. Contact us today to get started.

(Information referenced from

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